Welcome to the Latin America Society!
A student club from the Graduate School of International Studies of Korea University 🐯, lead by Latin American students, aiming to share culture and create bonds with students from other parts of the world 🌎
Any student (graduate/undergraduate/exchange) that speaks English can join!
The presentations include culture, traditions, history, etc., followed by questions and fun immersive activities. We encourage everyone to present (not mandatory) for 10 - 15 minutes, share perspectives and opinions, every Monday, 5:00 - 6:00 pm.
If you want to learn having fun, make friends and maybe learn some words/phrases in Spanish and Portuguese, join us! 📚
We hold a small End-of-Term party 🎉 and if you are a student at KU, you can get a certificate😉
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/tFp2HwMsyLVWcag37
Our first meeting will be held on March 17th! To check activities and any questions, hit the DMs @latinamerica.ku ✨
See you / Nos vemos / Até mais 😎