"Exploiting" Your University 101😎 (Ewha Womans University💚)
25 Sep 2024
4 minute read

Okay, I may have exaggerated a bit up there. But! There are tons of free/discounted services that are available for all students (local and international) in Ewha.

1. University Health Service Center (대학건강센터)

Entrance to the University Health Service Center [TAN WEI JING]
Entrance to the University Health Service Center [TAN WEI JING]

Location: Human Ecology Building (생활환경관)

Naver maps link: https://naver.me/xTSAkbMY

Before the start of each semester, when it's time to pay your debts*dun dun dun* you'll notice that there are a few optional fees included in your tuition bill. One of them being the University Health Service Center Membership Fee (건강공제회비).

Yes, we're all broke college students, I know. Half of my allowance goes to coffee and the other half goes to cafe hopping. Before you know it, I'll be eating ramen for the remaining 23 days of the month! However, I swear that paying for the membership fee will be worth it.

If you pay an extra $17 (approxiamtely, about 23,000krw) at the start of the semester, you'll have free access to clinic visits, medication, general health checkups (once every two semesters), and special counselling sessions (for skin problems, gynecological health etc).

Another thing that I personally love about the University Health Service Center, is that you know how dormitories in Ewha require you to submit chest-ray results before you check-in? While it costs about 15,000-20,000krw if you do it outside, it costs around $5-$6 (approximately, about 7,000-8,000krw) to do it here (it's been a while since I've done it, so I'm not sure about the approximate prices, but it's definitely way cheaper than doing it in private clinics!).

One thing that should be noted is that you have to pay $17 at the start of each semester if you wish to continue using the services provided by the University Health Service Center. So make sure that you remember to do so!

Some extra information:

Opening hours: Weekdays, 9.00am-5.00pm

*Breaktime: 12.00pm-1.00pm

Contact number: 02-3277-3181

Information source: https://www.ewha.ac.kr/ewha/news/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=348843&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10&srCategoryId1=29&no=14

2. Free Printing Services at The Student Union Building (학생문화관/학문관)

This is literally beside the Human Ecology Building, by the way [TAN WEI JING]
This is literally beside the Human Ecology Building, by the way [TAN WEI JING]

Location: Student Union Building (학생문화관/학문관)

Naver maps link: https://naver.me/F3os8dEv

Got tons of readings for your classes this semester and feel like your eyes are dying from the excessive screen time ? Fret not, as you get to print out you materials for FREE at the Student Union Building!

Main entrance to the Student Union Building
Main entrance to the Student Union Building
The printing room is on your right! [TAN WEI JING]
The printing room is on your right! [TAN WEI JING]

If this sounds too good to be true, it is. Because there are a few limitations to the printing services provided:

1. You have to bring your own paper (In case you forgot to bring any, just go downstairs to the CVC to get one if you're in a rush!).

*Scrap paper is not allowed for printing use here!

2. You can only print in black and white.

3. There's a time limit of 15 minutes per person (Although most people won't mind it if you stayed a bit longer when you're not there during rush hour).

Still, snarky remarks aside, I'm still really thankful for the Student Union for providing this service, and may your eyes too, survive this semester into the next!

Some extra information:

Opening hours: Weekdays, 9.00am-5.00pm

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#campus life
#Ewha Womans University
#Life Hack
#discount for students in korea
#student life
#free services
#university life
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