Course review: Olericultures and Herbs (Korea Univ. Department of Biotechnology)
28 Dec 2023
3 minute read

During the second semester of 2023, I took the class “Olericultures and Herbs,” which is one of my major subjects in English from the Biotechnology department. I got into this class for mere luck since I registered it during the add-drop period, and there was only one space left. Once I got into this class, I got very excited because one of my friends registered for it and told me there would be many laboratory practices alongside theoretical courses. This excited me the most because I am an active learner, but I did not expect this course to be one of the best I’ve taken at Korea University. The instructor of this course is Professor Kang Mo Gu, and he is teaching this course based on his research experience with Brassicas, especially broccoli and its properties. This course teaches us relevant information about the food industry, irrigation methods, plant hormones, and their benefits to human health and wellbeing. This class was diverse, which made it enjoyable for me. Until the midterm exam, the first contents were mostly theoretical; we learned concepts related to botanics and agriculture, revised the class contents of the PPTs, but bringing our laptops to class was always necessary! We would use software to analyze data and possible predictions about the experiments. Still, the most exciting section was after the midterm exam, when the laboratory practices were more, and we got to do more hands-on experiments. My favorite was creating our skincare, such as face serum and lip balm. Professor Kang Mo Gu was very patient with all the students. Despite some language barriers, his class dynamics successfully kept students engaged, his jokes during class, and his particular interest in AI used for didactic purposes. Many students consider him a kind, wholesome, and skilled person. I had never felt so enthusiastic about taking an exam until now. The final exam of this course was open-book; we could use electronic devices, and we could even use Chat GPT because, from the professor’s words, education of the future requires using tools of the future, but we need to learn how to use them correctly. We made data analysis using three different software. Then, we wrote our explanations, conclusions, and predictions of the object of study, which I sincerely enjoyed because, beyond memorizing concepts, it was a more helpful way to apply our knowledge in our field of study. And to finish this course review, I have had other experiences taking other major lectures (In English and Korean) that made me lose interest in my field. Still, I realized that it might take one hundred teachers to make you lose interest in a subject, but it requires only one to inspire you to enjoy learning. In this case, thanks to Professor Kang Mo Gu, I discovered that biotechnology can be fun to keep learning. I look forward to taking more courses like this next year!

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#Course Review
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