Festivals at Regional Universities: Is There Any Difference?
02 Jun 2024
3 minute read

Everyone has heard of the iconic Korean universities’ festivals at some point, right? In general, students assume most of these festivals only take place in Seoul-based universities. However, as Kangwon National University’s ambassador for this semester; I plan to correct that information!

I’ve been studying at KNU for the last two years and I myself kept my expectations low. Yet, each semester I was proven wrong by the incredible lineup our university managed to provide for us.

Kangwon National University's Fall 2023 | Festival Line-Up [knuch-57]
Kangwon National University's Fall 2023 | Festival Line-Up [knuch-57]

Since September 2022, we’ve had two autumn festivals and a spring one.

Luckily, the venue; KNU sports field, is accessible to both students and the regular public. However that does mean intense competition when it comes to grabbing front seats.

KNU Sports Field | Festival Venue [Yousra]
KNU Sports Field | Festival Venue [Yousra]

During my first semester at KNU, I heard that Zion.T was coming and some of his songs remind me of my high school fangirl days so I made sure to not only attend but be in the front line. This meant going to the venue over two hours in advance. I assumed me and my friend would be the only ones but I was surprised to see quite a turn out of students doing the same.

Zion.T at KNU's Festival 2022 [Yousra]
Zion.T at KNU's Festival 2022 [Yousra]

Another thing worthy of mention is that KNU festivals usually run for two to three days and have a full program. In the morning, there’s a whole bunch of booths; local businesses, university clubs, experience stalls, etc. Meanwhile gaming competitions, quizzes and lucky draws as well as student performances take place simultaneously on stage. Of course, the most popular art clubs serve as opening acts for the singers on the set li

Festival Vibes at KNU | Yousra
Festival Vibes at KNU | Yousra
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