Graduation Checklist for Hanyang University Students
20 Nov 2024
3 minute read

Finally, my four years of studying in Korea are coming to an end. As a student at Hanyang University, what should I keep in mind for my graduation? Here is a guide on what to check before you graduate.

First, let me introduce you to the ✨table of requirements✨. This table will be your essential guide throughout your entire university journey, outlining everything you need to graduate. The table is organized by categories (the rows on the left) and the requirements for each category (the columns across the top).

Table of requirements for Hanyang University
Table of requirements for Hanyang University

The two most important requirements are 졸업학점 (Graduation Credits) and 전공학점 (Major Credits), which may vary depending on your major. Graduation credits are the total number of credits you need to graduate, while major credits are the credits you need specifically from major-related classes. Once you meet your major credit requirements, you can complete the remaining credits with electives (핵심교양) or additional major classes.

The 전공 100~300단위 classes are typically major-related courses taken in the first to third years, while 전공 400단위 classes are more advanced courses taken in the final year. (교양 courses are not counted here.)

Next, let's go over some other categories on the table:

  • 영어전용강좌수: Number of classes taken in English.
  • 선수강이수여부: This indicates whether you have completed the prerequisite courses required to take more advanced classes in your major. 
  • 졸업평점(성적증명평점과 상이): Average score needed for graduation.
  • 미필과목이수여부: Confirms if you have completed all mandatory classes.
  • 졸업논문/시험/작품: Indicates if you have completed your graduation project, thesis, or exam.
  • IC-PBL강좌수: IC-PBL courses that emphasize practical, project-based learning rather than theory alone.
  • 핵심교양: Number of elective classes you need. These include the following areas:
  • 고전읽기영역 (Classics Reading Area)
  • 글로벌언어와문화영역 (Global Languages and Culture)
  • 미래산업과창업영역 (Future Industry and Entrepreneurship)
  • 과학과기술영역 (Science and Technology)
  • 인문과예술영역 (Humanities and Arts)
  • 사회와세계영역 (Society and World)
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#Hanyang University
#graduation requirement
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