POV: You’re a Computer Science Student taking the 정보처리기사 Exam
27 Feb 2025
4 minute read

"Hmm, I’m bored… I need some academic pressure." Next thing I know, I signed up for one of Korea’s toughest (and most popular) certification exams, ranked in the top 10.

Background on Certification in Korea

If you’ve been in Korea long enough, you probably know how obsessed people are with certifications. Whether it’s for job hunting, career advancement, or even just meeting university graduation requirements, having the right certification can make a huge difference.

Source: utoimage.com
Source: utoimage.com

A certification (자격증) is basically official proof that you have the skills and knowledge for a specific job. Basically, getting a certification means you actually need to study, take an exam, and pass (which is the hard part, obviously). That’s why they’re seen as a big deal in Korea’s job market.

Importance of 정보처리기사

Among all the certifications out there, 정보처리기사 (Information Processing Engineer) is one of the most popular one in computer science and IT. If you’re a CS student in Korea, you’ve probably heard of it or even considered taking it yourself. Some universities even let students submit this certification instead of doing a graduation project.

But even beyond school, this cert looks amazing on the resume. Korean companies love hiring people with it because it proves that you understand the overall important concepts in computer. Basically, it tells employers:

💻 "Hey, I know my stuff in IT!"

But are foreigners allowed to take? The answer is YES.

Source:  KCI 한국자격증정보원
Source: KCI 한국자격증정보원

How the exam is done

The 정보처리기사 (Information Processing Engineer) exam is typically divided into two main parts: a written exam and a practical exam.

Written Exam (필기시험):

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