The Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall in Nam District, Ulsan [ULSAN METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]
Ulsan to help young people, foreigners avoid rental scams
28 Feb 2025
2 minute read
The Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall in Nam District, Ulsan [ULSAN METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]
The Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall in Nam District, Ulsan [ULSAN METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

Ulsan will offer free real estate counseling for young people and foreign residents to protect them from fraud involving monthly rent and jeonse, orlump-sum deposit leases common in Korea.

The free counseling sessions will be available once a week to young people and foreign residents who currently reside in or plan to move to Ulsan, the Ulsan Metropolitan Government said in a press release on Friday.

A total of 10 real estate agents — two from each district and county, recommended by the Korea Association of Realtors — will provide consultations. Each applicant will be assigned an agent and can arrange a convenient time for the consultation.

The consultations will include advice on circumventing unfair practices, such as double contracts, and ensuring that all necessary lease documents are correctly checked and verified, a city official said.

If necessary, agents will also accompany applicants to inspect properties and offer additional advice.

“We hope this initiative helps young people and foreigners in the area feel at ease and find their homes,” said a city official.

To book a service, call or send a fax to the representative official in each district and county: 290-3482 for Jung District, 226-5645 for Nam District, 209-3853 for Dong District, 241-7592 for Buk District and 204-0762 for Ulju County.


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