Course Review: Topics in Korean History (SNU)
07 Jul 2023
4 minute read

Course Name: Topics in Korean History 

🐥University: Seoul National University (SNU)

🎓Professor Name: John P. DiMoia (American with Italian roots) 

📝Language: English (the professor is not fluent in Korean, so even though he can rarely use some Korean words or expressions during lectures, he definitely translates them into English for foreign students/gives an explanation)

🙅‍♀️Textbook Use: no textbooks, but there are electronic reading materials provided by the professor on a weekly basis on the eTL (SNU platform for students). 

⛳️ Assignment Type

weekly readings (about 25-40 pages)

one essay 

There are three options for the essay topic: 

1) historiography -> you choose one of the “difficult”/controversial topics in Korean history and consider diverse points of view regarding it (you can compare views of historians, researchers, nations, etc.);

2) historical place -> you choose one historical place (it is mainly about buildings) related to a “difficult” issue of Korean history and describe how the place has changed over time (it is desirable you visit the place yourself and share your own feelings, so places in Seoul are the best fit);

3) your own topic agreed with the professor 

👀Exam Type: two essay questions (the same format for both midterms and finals). Write on a piece of paper or type on a laptop/tablet (it’s up to you)

Question 1: directly based on the materials of one of the lectures (it is easy to give an answer following the information given in the corresponding lecture).

Question 2: concerns the materials of several lectures at once and may require adding information from reading materials; more complex and requires understanding of information as well as the ability to build logical connections, conclusions (not THAT difficult as professor warned us it might be ✊🏻). 

* No strict requirements for the volume of the essay texts (approximately one A4 sheet per question)

** You can use EVERYTHING on the exam (notes, Internet, etc.) 

🧚‍♀️Advice: concentrate on notes and reading materials. 

Some Korean students were really passionate about the subject and went through lots of extra books/articles/other materials they found on their own, but if it is not how you prefer spending your free time - then you don’t have to do this. I asked the professor and he told me that the information he provides is enough. And it is true, I got an A+ without any extra materials :) 

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