- Mentally Struggling? List of Psychiatrist that Provide English Consultation
Mental Health is a Universal Human Right - World Mental Health Day 2023
Living in another country may be difficult, both mentally and physically. With the language barrier, finding help mentally might be a difficult. Everyone have hard times and you don't need to be embarrassed.
“Mental health…is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.” – Noam Shpancer, PhD
To help international students in seeking help mentally, without worrying about language barrier, I would like to introduce several places that conduct consultation in English.
Most Hospital Professor in psychiatry department can speak English, but you would need a referral letter. Below are list of psychiatrist/therapist that doesn't require referral letter.
*Please note that this place are all located in Seoul.
1. Seoul Central Mental Health Clinic (서울센트럴 정신건강의학과 의원)
Website: https://en.seoulcentralmhc.com/?redirect=no
Location: 서울 중구 세종대로 11 5층 서울센트럴정신거강의학과의원
5F, Jogwang building, 11 Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Medical Department:

Request Appointment:
TEL : 02-779-7660
email: info@seoulcentralmhc.com
Facebook: @seoulcentralmhc
Kakao talk: @scmhc
2. Seoul Forest (서울포레스트)
Website: https://www.seoulforest.co.kr/
Location: 서울 강남구 도산대로 420 청담스퀘어 2층
2F, Cheongdam Square, 420 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Medical Department:

Request Appointment:
TEL: 0507-1377-8777
Email: sfrst@naver.com