- Why 일일호프 (One-day Bar) is the Ultimate College Social Event
University life is all about meeting new people — whether from different departments, schools or backgrounds. And for some, finding a romantic partner is just as important. One of the easiest ways to do that is by attending 일일호프, which translates to a “one-day hof ( Korean style bar).”

What is 일일호프?
일일호프 is a one-day event hosted by university department student councils or clubs. They rent out a bar for a day and invite fellow students — or just passerby of a similar age — to enjoy drinks, socialize and meet new people. More often than not, the goal is to establish connections, including romantic ones.

Why host such an event?
It’s just a fun activity to do that strengthens friendships with the same department or club. Participants take on various roles as temporary staff, handling everything from cooking to dishwashing and serving food, almost forcing them to become closer.
Also, a successful event can bring in some profit. Food and drinks tend to be priced higher than at regular bars, making it easier to generate revenue. Some venues even charge a small entrance free — typically around five dollars.
However, the main purpose of organizing 일일호프 is the experience itself: it’s fun to plan an event together, strengthen friendship while also interacting with peers.
일일호프 also gained more popularity after the government banned alcohol sales on university campuses. In the past, different departments would set up outdoor mini-bars within school grounds, allowing students to interact with peers within school.
Since that is no longer allowed, 일일호프 serves as a great alternative, allowing students to recreate the experience in rented bars.