- Wildfire Safety Guide: How to Protect Yourself and Your Home
Springtime brings dry whether and strong winds, creating the perfect conditions for wildfires to spread rapidly. In some cases, it can take multiple days to fully extinguish them.
Even if you live tens of minutes away from a mountain, you and your house can still be at risk.
Here is a list of helpful information that may one day save your life during a wildfire emergency:

1. Prevention: protect mountains from fires
- Never smoke in mountain areas
- Do not burn trash or agricultural byproducts near forests. One of the recent wildfires reportedly was caused by a farmer burning byproducts
- Know your evacuation routes and shelters, particularly if you live near a forested area.

2. What to have ready in advance
- Emergency food and water. Stock non-perishable items that can be consumed without heating, such as canned foods. Ensure you have enough drinking water.
Have essential emergency medications with you such as painkiller, digestive medicine and emergency kit.
- Radio, flashlight and portable chargers will also come handy.

3. If a wildfire breaks out near your area
- If you are at home:
1. Listen for any evacuation orders and stay in touch with your neigbors for updates.
2. Prepare to leave with your emergency supplies.
3. Identify the shortest and safest route to the evacuation shelter.
4. Remove curtains and move highly combustible furnitures to the center of rooms, away from windows and doors.
If you are outside:
1. Move combustible things away from your house
2. Wet your home’s exterior to reduce the risk of ignition from falling embers.
3. Keep sprinklers and houses locked to prevent interference with firefighting efforts.
4. Turn on outdoor lights to help firefighters locate your home if it becomes surrounded by smoke.