- The LG Twins win means a big LG sale, and here's how to get the discounts
LG Twins won the Korean Series for the first time in 29 years — and celebrations will continue on through out the next week in the form of a big sale among LG companies.
Baseball is huge in Korea, and companies tend to celebrate big when their team wins the annual Korean series.
A lot of people were even anticipating LG Electronics' LG Gram laptop to be sold at 290,000 won — because it's a 29 year win — with 290,000 won Gram trending on Twitter immediately after the team's win.
LG Group owns many companies such as LG Household & Healthcare for cosmetics and LG Electronics for electronic gadgets. So if you're looking to buy a new laptop for school, or new skin care products for your vanity, now might be a nice time to try shopping!
LG Household & Healthcare
The cosmetics company owns brands like belif, The Face Shop, O HUI and CNP, and the brands are offering a 71% discount on select items starting Nov. 17.
They chose a 71% discount because it's the first win in 29 years, and 100 - 29 is... 71!.
Sales aren't offered on other retail channels, and are only offered on each brands' official websites that are listed below.
- The Face Shop: https://www.naturecollection.com/mall/event/event-view.jsp?seq=21524
- Beyond: https://beyond.co.kr/article/event/8/32411/
- belif: https://belifmall.com/index.html
- O HUI: https://ohui.com/pages/event/read.html?no=849&board_no=2
The sales run through Nov. 26, but each brands can close the sales early if they run out of all the quantities they prepared, which are around a few thousand per product.
The company also owns toothpaste and shampoo brands such as Perio, Elastine and ON: The Body — and will offer a buy-one-get-one free promotion at big supermarkets and convenience stores through Nov. 29, so it might also be a good time to go shopping for those household supplies!